Heyday Marketing | Our team
Inc Best in Business

Heyday awarded 2022 Inc. Best in Business

Inc 500 Logo

Heyday awarded 2022 Inc.5000 fastest growing companies in America!


Crew members

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We have a growing team of over 30 creative professionals.

All our team members are well-versed in their areas of expertise, and they contribute to our agency’s innovative culture.

Here at Heyday Marketing, everyone has a voice, and every idea counts!

Maria Fernanda Graterol

COO Chief Operating Officer

Fun Fact: I was a journalist for 6 years before transitioning into my marketing career.

Eduardo Moya

CMO Chief Marketing Officer

Fun Fact: We help you make more money.

Account Executives

Account Strategists

Our Graphic Design Team

Business Development/Sales Team

Public Relations

Web Developer

Creative Department

Ana María Enciso


Community Manager

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