Heyday Marketing | Website Development For Plastic Surgeons
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Heyday Marketing|Website Development For Plastic Surgeons


Website Development for Plastic Surgeons

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Website development is an integral part of a successful digital marketing campaign. Today, most people search online before they go anywhere else to make a purchase or find information about a product or service. If your website doesn’t have quality content, it won’t rank well on Google. And if it doesn’t rank well on Google, you’ll miss out on potential customers looking for your services. 


Your site should also be mobile-friendly because this will increase your rankings in the SERPs (search engine results pages). One way to do that is by using responsive web design. It ensures that your website displays correctly on any device, from desktop computers and tablets to phones. Keep these best practices in mind when designing your site so that you don’t waste time or money building something that’s not optimized for users’ needs.

  1. Make sure all content on the page is readable without zooming.
  2. Use keywords in the title tags that accurately describe the page’s content. 3) Include meta descriptions with compelling language that entices readers to click on your link.
  3. Ensure Google understands the destination URL by using keyword-rich anchor text in links pointing back to other pages or posts on your site.
  4. Submit an XML sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools which will tell Google about any new blog posts you have published since the last time you submitted an update.
  5. Optimize every blog post for search engines by including relevant keywords in headers, subheaders, and paragraphs of the post.
  6. Enable social media plugins such as Facebook’s ‘Like’ button on blog posts so readers can easily share your content on their own timelines with their friends (don’t forget to activate the plugin).
  7. Consider embedding a live Twitter feed onto your homepage (and/or other static landing pages such as office hours listings).
  8. Get reviews from customers who are happy enough with their results to share them publicly online.
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