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Heyday Marketing | How Interactive Content Designs generates consumer Data for Digital Marketing Agencies

How Interactive Content Designs generates consumer Data for Digital Marketing Agencies

Have you ever wondered why almost 5 billion of the world’s 5.7 internet users are on social media? Aren’t you curious as to why at least six people sign up on Facebook every second?

It’s simple. The world has moved from spectating to participating. The world is speaking, everyone wants to be heard. This looks like just another statement till you extract the juicy wisdom in it. You want to get some heavy traffic on your page, then get people talking.

The audience in every space has moved from a place where they had to do all the listening and reading. They now want to be part of the conversation! That’s why most people would take a personality test rather than read about the updates on the stock market. It’s why most people would check pictures on Instagram rather than read posts on quora. What that means is that the world is no longer moved by mere expression, but by effective communication. Now, this is where interactive content comes in. With the right interactive content design, you’ll not only effectively educate your audience, but you can engage them, build intimacy with them and serve them better.

In recent times, interactive content statistics show that it is indeed the game-changer, the numbers have it that 93% of marketers rate interactive content as highly effective at educating prospective customers.

So what’s the point, that the best way to reach your audience is to ask them stuff? Not exactly, or maybe not directly. The best way to reach your audience is to become an interactive content builder.

Heyday Marketing | How Interactive Content Designs generates consumer Data for Digital Marketing Agencies
An illustration of consumer data collection through interractive content designs

Definition of Interactive Content

An interactive content is any creative piece of content that incites responses and participation from users to pass your message. Contrary to popular opinions among web design companies, interactive content does not necessarily have to be digital content. From calculators to quizzes, polls, reviews, and even petitions, they just have to be anything that gets your users to respond to you.

Benefits of Interactive Content Designs for Digital Marketing Agencies

Increase engagement

Like Facebook and every other titan within the social media clan, digital marketing agencies in Miami and worldwide can also get their audience to come alive by touching up the content. The most effective way to engage your users is to be deliberate about changing their user-experience narrative from informative to interactive. Content marketing used to be the game-changer. Even Google would rank your page higher if you said a thing or two for your audience to learn from. However, the idea got too saturated, and the users began to get bored and disinterested. The only way to get them active was to outrightly interact with them, and it’s been working!

For instance, the use of infographics as an interactive content design has made it far easier to pass the message and get the audience to interact with it by sharing. Beyond the engagement, this makes data analysis more accurate. With the visible rate of engagement, one can easily analyze user metrics by tracking how much time users spend on the page, which posts are more engaging, the kind of users that engage them, and why they engage them. With several interactive hooks injected all over your content, you can also determine how much the user consumed and what exactly they found most engaging. All these can directly guide your investment in user experience, and help you know how best to serve your users.

Get more feedback from users

While the first benefit helps you track data indirectly, the right interactive content design can also get the users to tell you what they think about your brand and how best they want to be served. For example, a Miami advising agency for a tour, the brand keeps posting content about only sky diving, bungee jumping, skiing, mountaineering, and beach houses. They do this with the conclusion that everyone there would want one of those, since everyone tourist had fun doing them or lodging by the beach, and the online users responded to those activities. While the page might get some traffic, it doesn’t necessarily mean that some users wouldn’t prefer a simple walk by the beach, a visit to game reserves and museums, or a simple bed and breakfast instead. A better way to determine what the users want is to engage them with interactive content. In this instance, the partnering web design company in Miami can optimize the website for a survey, a poll, a questionnaire. These are direct ways through which the Miami advising agency can determine what exactly each user wants and serve them accordingly. With surveys, the Miami advertising agency can conclude that youngsters prefer bungee jumping, while older people would make do with going to museums or walking by the beach while holding hands.

According to Scribblelive’s interactive content statistics, 60% of organizations that use interactive content can evaluate their efficiency more accurately, whereas, only 25% of those who use static content have this privilege.

Beyond knowing how to solve their problems, interractive content designs like questionnaires and surveys help users make decisions faster. For example, a user needs to get a car but does not know the next thing about automobiles. A simple questionnaire that asks them how fast, how comfortable, how aesthetically appealing, or how pricey they want their car to be can help the automobile brand determine what cars to offer the user. Strategies like this from any digital marketing agency in Miami and beyond are far more effective in guiding the client than leaving them to the merry-go-round in the page, with little or no guidance.
On another hand, a simple survey can help you determine that in most cases males are concerned with the features of the car while females lookout for the aesthetics. With such information, you can determine what cars to offer the female clients and which ones would be suitable for the males.
Beyond the value that your brand offers, you can take polls and surveys on salient matters or hot topics in society. From their perspectives, you can determine their behaviors, preferences, values, and needs. This information when effectively analyzed will guide your response and strategies for customer relations, PR, branding, and marketing. Even as a marketing company in Miami, these strategies are effective.
Thus, the bounties of interactive content are not just for Content Marketing to plunder — they can in fact give life to your entire marketing strategy.

Heyday Marketing | How Interactive Content Designs generates consumer Data for Digital Marketing Agencies
An illustration of consumer feedback and data collection

Optimize lead generation and conversion rates

When you use interractive content, your audience tells you how best to serve them. You respond by drawing strategies along those lines. When you implement these strategies, your users are impressed. They not only come back, but they also engage better and refer you to other users. They like, they comment, they share, they drop reviews and give you all the stars within their cosmos. This means that Interactive content is not only useful for driving more engagement — it also optimizes your sales, revenue, and lead generation.
Sometimes, you don’t know that you want something until a brand sweeps you off its feet with an excellent marketing strategy. A dynamic and compelling content, packaged within visually appealing pieces of information is enough to influence the user to a place of desire. Not only would it retain their attention, but such information would also practically hold their hands and lead them to the part where they click the required links and buttons. This is how conversion, and eventually, traffic, are built.

Forms of Interractive Content Designs

Polls and Surveys

Polls and surveys are two of the most popular types of interractive content. They are mostly used in social media. The upside to surveys and polls is that they are easy to set up, and they are accurate in data collection. Surveys and polls can be used for a lot of things, from consumer feedback to user information and purchasing preferences.
Polls and surveys are mostly interchanged, but they refer to two different things. A poll is made up of one multiple-choice question, while a survey is made of several multiple questions. Typically, polls are found at the bottom part of web pages and are hardly conspicuous. They are also straight to the point so they can easily be completed. Surveys on the other hand require more time and concentration. The trick for conducting effective surveys is not to ask too much. Users can find the questions overwhelming, or get bored altogether.


A Quiz is a light way to entertain your audience and educate them at the same time. Quiz questions should be fun and relatable, and the questions simple. They can be used to capture users’ knowledge in a particular matter. For E-commerce brands, little gifts like coupons and discounts can be attached to get the audience more interested. A perfect example of quizzes is the Buzzfeed test. The upside to quizzes is that they are relatable and relevant, and they have stronger chances of going viral.


As the saying goes, one picture speaks a thousand words. From the get-go, infographics transmit data on a more effective level. The visual appeal keeps people glued and helps them grasp the message better. However, infographics can be further maximized as interractive content.
All you need to do is add links within or around the infographic materials such that once the user clicks, you can tell that the user has consumed the information. Thus, if you run an ad agency in Miami, it’s high time you looked into video production in Miami

Heyday Marketing | How Interactive Content Designs generates consumer Data for Digital Marketing Agencies
An infographic that tracks the growth of the #Metoo movement through a network of tweets and conversations


This is one interractive content design that is helpful for you if you run an ad agency in Miami. Calculators can be quite helpful to your users. It can also be a beautiful way of telling your users that your product is helpful. With the calculator, you can show how they can save, earn more or plan budgets better, depending on what services you offer. The calculator is simply evidence of the value you bring to the table. It’s like saying “the numbers don’t lie, see for yourselves!”

There are several other forms of interractive content designs that every interractive content builder must leverage. They include landing pages, white papers, questionnaires, maps, search results, videos, solution finders, lookbooks, Ebooks among others.

Interactive Content Builder Tips

  • Set Goals

Why do you want to interact? What do you want to say? How will this message and user responses affect your brand? When the responses come, how do you plan on making use of them? These are questions you must answer in order to determine how effective your interractive content design will be. Typically, the only way to find a route on a map is to determine your current location and your destination. Once you can determine where your brand is and where you want it to be, you can figure out what you need to do to achieve your goals.

  • Create a buyer persona

The first step to producing interractive content is empathy. Think about it. Who is your target audience? What do they respond to? What do they need? The more you answer these questions, the clearer your buyer persona becomes. You can therefore determine how best to meet their needs or communicate with them.

  • Use content you already have

Virtually every content can be interractive. It only depends on how you pass the message. you really don’t have to scrap all the content you have and go on looking for new ones. All you have to do is optimize the interactivity of the content, such that it aligns with the buyer persona you have created. For example, you can pick one of your most engaging blog posts and break it into a series of infographics. At the end of the series, you can add a poll or a quiz to help determine if the audience engaged, and how clearly they got the message.

  • Produce interactive content for the funnel steps

Using the buyer persona as a guide, create interractive content for the funnel steps. For example, if you find yourself engaging a quite inquisitive audience, and your aim is to get them to buy your products, you can put quizzes, or an interesting infographic work in facts at the top of the funnel and a calculator at the end of it. That way you’d have grabbed their attention by offering the knowledge they seek. At the end of the funnel, you can use the calculator to seal the deal by proving your value proposition and the financial benefits of patronizing you.

  • Create interactive content with a responsive layout

    The whole idea of interractive content is that you can determine what your users want. In order for them to communicate with you, you must give room for responsiveness. Even if you’re using the interactive content on WordPress, you must add the links and buttons where and when necessary. You must also make sure that these links and buttons are functional on various devices before you publish the content. Of course, for every digital marketing agency around Miami, this boils down to how you run your web design in Miami.


You can also use interractive content tools to help out. These tools have proven to be helpful for interractive content creation by any social media agency in Miami. In conclusion, interractive content is not the next big thing, it’s the current big thing! Don’t be left behind. Hop on this effective trend and get your brand traffic going!

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