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what are content pillars blog image

Content pillars will help create a base for your social media. It eliminates time from wondering what to post and what to say…. Read more

How video marketing will grow your brand guide post image

Video marketing is a good way to keep up with trends and make your platforms feel more personable. It also adds a direct way to engage with your target audience… Read more

Guide how to craft brand tagline art image

A brand tagline is like a quick way to introduce yourself to your target audience. It should short, simple and convey the message of what you want your brand to be… Read more

crucial email marketing tips blog image

Email marketing is a good way to connect with your clients directly. It will create loyalty to your brand and make them feel like they are part of the community. Be careful to not overload them with emails but each one should be important… Read more

The genius behind ikea's business model guide post image

You might be thinking, what is this IKEA effect? It works by taking the needs of the audience into consideration and makes them feel safe. This can also lead to more sales and more customer traffic… Read more

Guide to understand your marketing funnel guide image

The goal of a marketing funnel is to generate awareness for your business, boost conversions, and then turn buyers into brand advocates… Read more

Get Started



Content pillars are topics that your brand will consistently discuss in the content you create. You should focus on 3 to 5.


You can use content pillars to come up with ideas for future posts. They are predetermined, so they will save you time and energy as you plan your content calendar.

Choose content pillars based on your expertise and the topics your ideal followers want to know more about. 

Where to use content pillars:

  • Social media
  • Email campaigns
  • Blog content
  • YouTube videos
  • Podcast episodes
  • Lead magnets
Once you’ve defined your content pillars, you’ll never run out of things to talk about!

Benefits of video marketing

  • It gives a personal feel to your business, which increases the know/like/trust factor.
  • It shares your brand’s message more creatively.
  • It establishes influence.
  • It helps you connect and engage with your audience.

Create a tagline that demonstrates your…

  • Product positioning ⁠
  • Key benefits ⁠
  • Brand pillars ⁠
  • Value proposition ⁠
  • Tone
1. Create a content checklist that you can refer back to when you’re writing. Include the following:
  • An attention grabbing subject line
  • One central idea
  • A clear call-to-action
  • Relevance to the audience


2. Personalize each email.
  • Use merge tags in both the salutation and the body of the text.
  • Segment your email list and create unique campaigns for each segment.


3. Create a user-friendly design for each email.
  • Use aesthetically pleasing colors.
  • Choose a readable font.
  • Send a test email and check to see how it looks on different devices.


4. Send your email at the right time.
  • Choose the optimal day of the week and time of day to send your email.


5. Check your analytics.
  • Review the open rate and click rate of your email.
Why is Ikea so successful?
They took consumer psychology into consideration,
Not just the consumer’s wallet.
They learned that over 50% of consumer purchases are impulse buys.
Therefore, they designed their stores to encourage as many impulse buys as possible.
Standard layout vs. Ikea layout
Consumers must walk through the whole store to reach the checkout.
Stages in the marketing funnel:
  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Loyalty
  • Advocacy


The goal of a marketing funnel is to generate awareness for your business, boost conversions, and then turn buyers into brand advocates.


It’s important to understand where your prospects and customers are sitting in the funnel so you know how to speak to them.

For example, you can craft a personalized message to someone who is already a brand advocate, but that message probably will not work when you’re speaking to a prospect who has only heard of your product once.

When you understand the different groups of people you are speaking to in your marketing funnel, you can craft messages that resonate with each one.